
Adelaida Campos





Adelaida Campos is a Director in Retirement for Willis Towers Watson in Los Angeles.  She has 20 years of actuarial consulting experience with all aspects of retirement programs with WTW.

Adelaida earned a B.Sc. in Actuarial Sciences and a Masters in Finance from Universidad Anáhuac, Mexico City.  She moved to Los Angeles in 2004 when she accepted an offer from her current employer.  She is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries and an Enrolled Actuary. She speaks fluent Spanish and English.

Adelaida is a co-founder and Past President of the Organization of Latino Actuaries (OLA), currently serving as Director of Marketing.  She has also collaborated with the SOA and CAS through their Joint Committee for Inclusion, Equity and Diversity (JCIED).  Her work in both organizations is aimed at increasing the number of actuaries from under-represented groups.

Prior to her work as an Actuary, Adelaida worked eight years at Universidad Anáhuac in Mexico City.  During that time, she helped strengthen the alumni network, created and enhanced programs to help provide education for underprivileged students, directed the career center and taught courses at the University, including Financial Math.

Adelaida believes education is the key to improving lives and is convinced that diversity and inclusion in all professions will create openness and understanding, thus improving services and products and enhancing the lives of all.